The Last of Poll 78

15 March 2023 This week’s update includes the last of the Poll 78 changes …

Poll 78

Group Ironman Fixes

  • GIM storage is now locked 10 mins before an update
  • Ironman tutor now has better checks for perm-IM status
  • Ironman tutor now has more information about UGIM
  • Fixed ranked GIM group sizes on HiScores
  • Fixed a bug about GIM Combat Achievements
  • Fixed area outside Venenatis’s lair to prevent abuse
  • Updated wilderness monsters in permanent DMM
  • Updated messages about target worlds

12th Annual Golden Gnomes

  • The 12th Annual Golden Gnomes are almost here!

Other Changes

  • PvP World Rota -> Period B
  • The Birthday Event has been removed
  • Added setting to remove trade option from players
  • Increased poison reset time from 18->54 seconds
  • Reverted pathfinding changes from last week
    • Change remains in place for Herman Caranos
  • V-Armour smelting boost now works with Perfect Gold ore
  • Instanced KBD Lair loot now stays for longer
  • Fixed a typo in Ecu Key’s examination text
  • Removed quotes in the text within the prayer book
  • Full experience now applied to hardwood at Etceteria
  • Can now right-click messages from moderators for info

Crack the Clue 3

  • Added several hints because people gave up & are bad