Even More Poll 78 Changes

09 March 2023 This week, we’re launching several Poll 78 changes!

Poll 78 Changes

  • Added Rings of Recoil to Magpie Implings
  • Added Prayer filtering
  • Reduced the cost of the Abyssal Dagger’s SA
  • Removed SA Orb restrictions from PvP

Other Changes

  • PvP World Rota -> Period A
  • Added new ‘optimized’ pathfinding for some NPCs
  • Fixed Revenant Maledictus drop mechanics
  • Re-centered inventory icons for several items
  • Rotated a misaligned rug corner in Piscarilius
  • Corrected dialogue that referred to Legends’ Quest
  • Thrall Duration Bar due to player’s CA
  • Boss KC Minimums of 40 are now 35
  • Several upgrades can be stored in STASH Units
    • Blocked this ability if an account is UIM
    • Poll soon, lol

Golden Gnomes

  • The 12th Annual Golden Gnomes are almost here!

Crack the Clue 3

  • Added several hints because people gave up & are bad