More Poll 78 Changes!

15 February 2023 Bad news, everyone – we just missed Valentine’s Day […]

Poll 78 Additions

  • Spell icon resizing added to the desktop
  • Magic Secateurs now work in your inventory
  • Magic Secateurs now works on bushes and limpwurts
  • Can now use flower and allotment seeds on birdhouses
  • Rune-pickup setting now works for crafted runes
  • Increased Belladonna harvest
  • Harvested Belladonna are now untradeable & stackable

Other Changes

  • PvP World Rota -> Period B
  • Adjusted poison on NPCs to work like before
  • Fixed a bug: Re-applying venom would reset damage
  • Fixed a bug: Freeze resistance was applied twice
  • Fixed a bug: Poison resistance on Chinchompas
  • Fixed a bug: Reverting Crystal weapons
  • Fixed a bug: LMS players received PvP credit
  • Fixed several bugs: NMZ scripts reworked
  • Fixed a bug: Prevent refunding Colossal blades

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Added skills and 1-def HiScores
  • NPCs will sell more than 1 Dwarven Helmet
  • NPCs will sell more than 1 Neitiznot Helmet
  • Fixed grammar in Tomes of the Sun, Moon, and Temple
  • Removed debug text from gnome cookery
  • Fixed floor tiles in Key Master’s Cave
  • POH Altar now consumes the top left-most bone
  • Updated the world map with ancient pyramid names
  • Boss KC Minimums of 50 are now 45

Coming up…

  • 10th Birthday Event
  • Blog for Bounty Hunter
  • Blog for DT2
  • Sat Feb 18th - Gielinor Games Finale

Crack the Clue 3

  • Added several hints because people gave up & are bad