Wilderness Boss Rework Tweaks & More

02 February 2023 This week we’ve made feedback changes […]

Wilderness Boss Rework

  • Reduced max players with loot from 15->10
  • Increased minimum loot reward from 0-15%
  • Increased quantity of loot rewards
  • Several anti-grief mechanics added
  • Several other minor bug fixes

Fairy Ring Graphical Update Coming Next Week

  • Update coming next week

Welcome Screen Changes

  • Removed old welcome screen

Secrets of the North

  • Venator Bow charge message is more frequent
  • Secondary hits now roll own accuracy checks
  • Arrows can ricochet even if their target dies
  • The speed of ricocheting arrows increased

Enhanced C++ Client Improvements

  • Improved minimap zoom functionality
  • Minimap zoom will now be remembered
  • Added decimal place to current combat level
  • Added COX fishing to the indicator plugin
  • Fixed various Clue Scroll Helper issues

Other Changes

  • PvP World Rota -> Period B
  • Restored missing text making Accursed Sceptre
  • Salve amulet Arougne Diary Task is clear
  • Added Mystic Cards to Diango in DMM
  • Stopped revenant weapons to immunity players
  • Fixed a ‘hiding’ animation featured in a quest
  • No more multiple followers while Temple Trekking
  • Fixed an issue with Lumbridge Armour Stand

Poll 78 Next Steps

  • Showed results of the poll for priority

Crack the Clue 3

  • Added several hints because people gave up & are bad